Many of you have attended our Making Connections networking events. We’ve held these in different towns around the county, often organised jointly with partner organisations including Imago Community, Kent Coast Volunteering and Canterbury City Council. A popular feature of the meetings has been the spotlight sessions, where local organisations give 10-minute presentations about their work. We’re pleased to have gathered those presentations together here – do have a look and find out about some of the charities working in your local area:
Presentations from events held in Ashford
East Kent Baby Memorial Gardens
Imago Community
Kent Self Defence Workshops
Kennington Summer Fayre Association
Social Enterprise Kent
Presentations from events held in Canterbury
Connecting Canterbury
Martha Trust
Canterbury Umbrella
Kent MS Therapy Centre
Safe Families Home for Good
Bright Shadow
My Birth
People United
Social Enterprise Kent
Stronger Kent Communities
AW Construction
Presentations from events held in Dover
Kent and Medway VCSE
Walmer Castle & Gardens
Wave Community Bank
Wynsdale Community Connect CIC
Presentations from events held in Maidstone
Charity Mentors Kent and Medway
Refer Kent
New Shoes Theatre