Fill in our online form

– we aim to be in touch within 2-3 working days.

Which type of service would you like to support you?
You can choose more than one
Which type of help do you need support with?
You can choose more than one
Allow contact(Required)
We process your data in accordance with our privacy policy which you can see here.

Alternatively, you can:

Call us on 01227 314160
Send us an email

Compliments, Comments and Complaints

Compliments, comments and complaints are all welcome. Your feedback helps us to ensure that we keep learning and improving our services. You can view our Compliments, Comments and Complaints Policy here.

If you have a compliment, comment or informal complaint, please:

If you would like to make a formal complaint please complete and return the complaints form.

Our head office:

Ashford Volunteer Centre
Berwick House, 8 Elwick Road
Kent TN23 1PF

Stronger Kent Communities Community Interest Company (CIC) is a private company limited by guarantee without share capital Incorporated: 21st November 2016 – Registration: 10388002