We offer a range of services to help you to build your organisation and run it effectively
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What we do
We are here to help community groups, charities and social enterprises find the help they need

Information and resources
We provide a range of free information and resources to help you run your organisation.
The resources cover a range of topics, including: communications, training, HR, marketing, finance, strategy, structure and volunteering.
View our resource libraryIf you don’t find what you’re looking for on our website, contact our helpdesk at contact@strongerkentcommunities.org.uk or call us on 01227 314160

One-to-one support
We provide a range of services to non-profit organisations across Kent.
If you need help with setting up an organisation, choosing a constitution, registering a charity, developing policies, business planning, monitoring and evaluation or any other aspect of running your organisation, contact our helpdesk at contact@strongerkentcommunities.org.uk or call us on 01227 314160.
Our experienced team can work directly with you or signpost you to other organisations providing specialist support.
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Development specialists
We provide up to 5 hours of free one-to-one support from our Development Specialists.
Thanks to funding from The National Lottery Community Fund, we are delighted to be able to provide up to 5 hours of free one-to-one advice from our Development Specialists to small groups and organisations.
Our Specialists are experts on charity registration, business and financial planning, marketing and much more. If there is something that you need help with, we will try to match you with an expert who can provide you with the advice and support you require.
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Leadership and Partnership Development
In recognition of the vital role that infrastructure support plays in ensuring healthy and effective charities and community groups, KCC has established a significant fund of c. £600K, managed by KCF, to help specialist infrastructure organisations offer timely, effective and bespoke advice and guidance to organisations seeking to improve effectiveness in a range of ways.
We are delighted to be one of the nine support organisations to receive funding and will be developing a new Kent-wide leadership and partnership development project, partly replicating and building on models developed in Medway. The programme will be delivered in partnership with Medway Voluntary Action. We look forward to helping sustain many frontline organisations with this funding.
Watch our video to find out how participants say the programme has helped them so far.

Training and events
We offer a programme of training and events throughout the year on topics and themes of interest to the VCSE sector.
To see our current training and events programme visit our Eventbrite page: Stronger Kent Communities Events – 5 Upcoming Activities and Tickets | Eventbrite
We are keen to ensure that our training and events meet your needs and interests so if you have ideas for training please complete our brief training needs survey or if you have ideas for events please email us at contact@strongerkentcommunities.org.uk.

Chair/CEO Support Project
Stronger Kent Communities, in partnership with CAP Enterprise, is developing a new toolkit of practical resources to support and improve the relationship between Chief Executives and their Chairs.
This toolkit will be produced in co-production with current Chief Executives and Chairs, and there are several ways you can get involved.
Share and complete our surveys
To start, you can complete an initial online survey which will help us to understand the potential barriers and current working solutions to a health Chief Executive and Chair relationship.
The Chief Executive survey can be found here: https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/1LAXWF/
We would also be grateful if you could encourage your Chair to complete a separate survey, found here: https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/XBRDQ2/
Both surveys are anonymous and will close for responses at 5.00pm on Wednesday, 31 July.
Attend our Co-production workshops
These interactive, in-person workshops will explore how you can best develop a strong and effective partnership with your Chair. You can share the methods and processes that have worked best for them and learn new techniques from your peers. Outcomes from this session will directly shape the new toolkit which will be launched in the autumn.
Click ‘read more’ for more details on booking these free workshops.
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Thanet Charity Leaders Partnership and Development Programme
Do you lead a charity or other non-profit in Thanet? Would you like to join other leaders in exploring strategic issues and opportunities that can help you?
With funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, Stronger Kent Communities and MVA are running a Partnership and Development programme. Over the next 9 months, you will attend regular meetings with other charity leaders, identifying common issues and working on strategies and solutions to address these.
This course has been developed specifically for Thanet Leaders, it is based on the Transformation Academy already running in Medway, as well as similar programmes running in other parts of Kent.
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